In this day and age who does not want to have an ideal body shape. Having an ideal body shape must be a dream of many people, especially for women. Not only can it support the appearance, having an ideal body shape can also increase confidence in front of everyone. Therefore, many things are done by women in order to get the desired body shape. One of the most common ways is by diet. Nowadays many diet methods can be done. One of the usual dietary methods is by exercising. In addition to being able to make a healthy body, exercise can also burn fat in the body, so it is beneficial to lose weight. may be a lazy person or less fond of exercise to lose weight. Relax, you don't worry, because you can still lose weight without having to exercise every day. So how do you do it? please check out the diet tips on how to lose weight without exercise below.
Eat Fewer Portions
These first tips and ways are pretty much done by most people to lose weight by changing the portion of food to less. It turns out that there are many benefits if we eat fewer portions. among them can make our weight stable, increase energy in the body and can also prevent constipation. In addition, eating small portions can reduce our risk of developing obesity and diabetes.
Despite reducing the portion of food, you can still compensate by eating fruits and vegetables rich in fiber. Not only healthy, you can also feel full for longer.
consumption of lots protein
If you want to lose weight without exercise, one of the ways that you can try is by consuming a lot of protein. One of these nutrients can serve to increase the feeling of fullness and restrain appetite. so it can help you reduce the need to overeat. Protein itself is found in fish, eggs, chicken, and also nuts.
Expand Foods Containing Fiber
In addition to a lot of protein consumption, foods containing fiber are also no less important for those who want to lose weight. This method is also considered effective because foods containing fiber, as well as protein, can make us feel full for a time but with fewer calories compared to other foods. Some foods that contain fiber include oatmeal, vegetables, fruits, whole grain cereals and also nuts.
Chew Food Slowly
Not only recommended because it is good for health, chewing food slowly can also be one way to lose weight for those of you who less like or lazy exercise. By eating slowly, you can feel full for longer. Because eating slowly means giving the body the opportunity to send signals to the brain that the stomach is fully charged.
Eat With Small Plates
One trick that can help you lose weight is to use a small plate for unhealthy foods and vice versa, use a large plate for a healthy meal. That's a trick for the brain because by using smaller plates, food will look more. So it can indirectly reduce us to eating unhealthy foods.
In addition, based on research conducted by America's Cornell University, eating using smaller plates can help lose weight by 2 pounds or 0.9 kg per month. Because eating using a small plate will signal to the brain if we already full with a plate of food. This can help us control the intake of the food we eat.

Avoid Eating While Watching TV or Playing Mobile
The next way to lose weight is to avoid eating while watching TV or playing Mobile. Because at the time of eating, it is good if we do not while doing other things because sometimes if eating together with other things will make us more focused on it and do not realize how much food we have eaten. In addition, if we eat not with full concentration, it will make us quickly feel hungry again. By eating while watching TV or playing smartphone will make our concentration disturbed so as to give a feeling of fullness for longer. Moreover, concentration and memory can help to control appetite.
Consumption of Lots of Water
With a lot of drinking water can also be one way to lose weight. As we already know,drinking water has many benefits for the body, one of which can reduce weight. Water itself can help us feel fuller especially if we drink before eating. It will be very effective to control the portion of our meal.
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Set Your Diet
Regulating diet is also very influential for weight loss. By regulating the diet, it can help to lose weight effectively while also good for the health of the body. Avoid fast food such as junk food and also sweet foods because they contain a lot of fat and high calories so as to increase your weight. In addition, eating foods with balanced nutrition that is good for the body is also no less important.
Get Enough Sleep
Getting enough sleep can also help you lose weight because when our body gets enough rest, metabolism in the body will work well in addition to also we can avoid hunger at night.
Actively moving
Being active in motion doesn't necessarily mean you have to exercise. We can stay actively moving without exercise such as cleaning the house or climbing stairs. Carrying shopping items can also burn calories. Doing daily activities without us realizing it can also be a way to lose weight easily without having to exercise.
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Avoid Stress
Stress can also trigger your weight to rise. when a person is stressed, the body will produce glucocorticoid hormone which if this hormone is excess will be able to increase one's appetite so that it can gain weight. if you are in the process of losing weight as much as possible avoid stress or if you are experiencing stress, you can vent it to something other than food such as meditation or yoga.
Keep Unhealthy Food out of Sight
Finally, keep unhealthy foods away from a view is one of the ways you can do to lose weight. Sometimes we unknowingly put unhealthy foods, such as sweet foods for example within the reach of the eyes and easy to reach as well, this will make us tempted to eat them continuously. As a result, without you realizing it can increase your weight. therefore from now on you can put such foods in the food cabinet or in a place far from the reach of the eyes so that you are not tempted to always eat them.
Losing weight without exercise is not impossible. Without realizing it turns out that there are many simple things in everyday life that we can do to lose weight. But still, consistency and patience are the main keys if you want to lose weight quickly and maximally.